Representing the upper crust of consulting expertise in Japan, we answer the need for structure in the expanding market of asset liquidation and securitization.

The market for asset liquidation and securitization has taken off in the past few years. Sakura & Co. is in the vanguard of accounting firms that have developed this market in Japan. We are proud of the number of consulting projects we have undertaken that have led to the successful formation of special purpose company (SPC) structures. The application of this new line of financial services addresses investors’ demands for safe, profitable operations while assisting businesses in the liquidation of high-quality assets. Objectives may include the diversification of funds procurement as well as the creation of off-balance-sheet vehicles. We provide total client support in accounting, taxes and property appraisal with regard to asset liquidation and securitization. We tackle the tough issues head-on to meet the client’s needs.

SPC Formation

  • Consultation on vehicle formation
  • Tax consulting for SPCs
    • Tax Strategy in TK
    • Tax Strategy in TMK
  • Please contact us as brochure of tax strategy for TK and TMK are available.
  • We will send you by return.
  • Consulting on accounting procedures
  • Accounting/tax opinions
  • Comfort letters
  • Fairness opinions

Summary of SPC

In Japan, two main schemes, TMK and TK, are widely utilized for collective investment schemes for a small number of investors in recent years.
Especially, for non-resident investors with no permanent establishments, there are cases where they could enjoy a tax break to applicate tax treaties.

If you are interested in these schemes and would like to know more detailed information of SPC, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

English brochure for Japanese Real Estate Market

Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism of Japan(MLIT) released brochure for introduction of Japanese real estate market in English.

You can learn the latest brief information of Japanese real estate market from the following

The brochure(PDF) includes the following information.
  [1] Overall Economic policy
  [2] National land policy of MLIT
  [3] Future infrastructure projects
  [4] Urban development projects
  [5] General information of real estate market
  [6] Properties with excellent environmental performance
  [7] Transparency of the market